Package: sisc Version: 1.16.5 Revision: 1 Description: R5RS Scheme implementation for the Java VM Type: java License: GPL Maintainer: None BuildDepends: ant, docbook-xsl, xalan-j, system-java-dev (>= 1.3) Depends: rlwrap, system-java (>= 1.3) Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.jar Source-MD5: 7282f4c38dce30fda45e9635ef65c8ab SourceRename: SourceDirectory: %n CompileScript: << ant << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/sisc cp -Rp *.jar %i/lib/sisc cp -Rp %n.shp %i/lib/sisc cp -Rp src/sisc/modules/srfi/srfi-22/ %i/lib/sisc chmod 755 %i/lib/sisc/ mkdir -p %i/share/doc/sisc cp -Rp doc/*.txt %i/share/doc/sisc cp -Rp doc/generated/sss %i/share/doc/sisc mkdir -p %i/bin sed 's|`dirname $0`|%p/lib/sisc|g' > %i/bin/sisc chmod 755 %i/bin/sisc << Docfiles: COPYING GOALS LICENSE.txt README TODO PostInstScript: update-alternatives --install %p/bin/scheme scheme %p/bin/sisc 40 --slave %p/bin/scheme-r5rs scheme-r5rs %p/lib/sisc/ --slave %p/bin/scheme-r4rs scheme-r4rs %p/lib/sisc/ --slave %p/bin/scheme-srfi-0 scheme-srfi-0 %p/lib/sisc/ --slave %p/bin/scheme-ieee-1178-1900 scheme-ieee-1178-1900 %p/lib/sisc/ --slave %p/bin/scheme-srfi-7 scheme-srfi-7 %p/lib/sisc/ PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove scheme %p/bin/sisc fi << Homepage: DescDetail: << SISC is an extensible Java based interpreter of the algorithmic language Scheme. SISC uses modern interpretation techniques, and handily outperforms all existing JVM interpreters (often by more than an order of magnitude). In addition, SISC is a complete implementation of the language. The entire R5RS Scheme standard is supported, no exceptions. This includes a full number tower including complex number support, arbitrary precision integers and floating point numbers, as well as hygenic R5RS macros, proper tail recursion, and first-class continuations (not just the escaping continuations as in many limited Scheme systems). SISC also attempts to implement the standard as correctly as possible, while still providing exceptional performance. SISC also provides useful real-world extensions, such as networking, elegant exception handling, a scope-friendly module system, support for SLIB, numerous SRFIs, and an extensible type system with a Java foreign-function interface. Finally, native functionality can be added through the use of native libraries that may add new types, values, and functions to the language. These extensions can be packaged into scopable modules at the Scheme level as well. << DescPackaging: << Previous version by Lars Rosengreen. << DescPort: << SRFI-22 support included, with scheme-r5rs scheme-r4rs, scheme-srfi-0 and scheme-ieee-1178-1900 all in %p/bin (using update_alternates). There appears to be a probelm with using scheme-srfi-7, so it is not provided for the time being. The heap file needs to be in the same directory as the jars. Changed deps and build deps to follow the suggestions mentioned here: <<