# # tolua.info # # Fink package file, maintained by Asko Kauppi # # Packages: # tolua Lua/C[++] binding tool # # Todo: # - tolua author should fix a bug regarding compiling the intermediate file # as C++. Use of LUALIB_API gives 'extern' whereas C++ would need # 'extern "C"'. # # Current output: # LUALIB_API int luaopen_XXX (lua_State* tolua_S) # # Should be: # #ifdef __cplusplus # extern "C" # #else # LUALIB_API # #endif # int luaopen_XXX (lua_State* tolua_S) # # .. or enclosing the whole file in 'extern "C" {' ... '}' block # # - author could make a man page for tolua (currently no such) # # Bugs: # - ... # # Notes: # - The "-ev" parameter to scripts is giving quite a lot of (unnecessary?) # build output. Fink policy seems to be to have it; personally I would be # okay with just "-e". # # History: # AKa 6-Apr-2008: 5.1b1-0 # AKa 14-Feb-2008: 5.0.990-1 (cleanup) # AKa 7-Feb-2008: 5.0.990-0 Source 5.1b, replacing 'tolua' 5.0-12 # maintained by Richard Kiss, on his request. # # Note: Using "5.1bN" for betas, "5.1rN" for releases # Package: tolua Version: 5.1b1 Revision: 0 BuildDepends: lua51-dev (>= 5.1.2) Depends: lua51-shlibs (>= 5.1.2) Conflicts: Replaces: # vital for trying out alpha/beta packages #SourceRename: tolua-%v.tar.gz # 5.1b Source: ftp://ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/users/celes/tolua/tolua-5.1b.tar.gz Source-MD5: d19c71c445dd3c659d7891bddded9bd9 # --- Description: Accessing C/C++ code from Lua License: OSI-Approved Homepage: http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~celes/tolua/ Maintainer: Asko Kauppi DescDetail: << tolua is a tool that greatly simplifies the integration of C/C++ code with Lua. Based on a cleaned header file, tolua automatically generates the binding code to access C/C++ features from Lua. Using Lua API and metamethod facilities, tolua maps C/C++ constants, external variables, functions, classes, and methods to Lua. << DescPackaging: << Unlike 'lua51', 'tolua' is not currently packaged so that it would support having multiple versions installed at one time. This is mainly because tolua is purely a development tool, and its library is offered as statically linked .a only. Also, this is how the earlier 5.0-12 tolua package was. << #--- # NOTE: "!/bin/sh -e" is needed for making 'if-then-else-fi' work. # # Comments are here to avoid unnecessary output when executing the script (-ev). # # No need to 'sed' the 'config' file; we can just append our overload values. # # Change in 'src/bin/lua/package.lua' makes produced C binding files compile # (and especially, link) right even as C++. Relaxes the way for user to "just # get it right"; otherwise Lua would complain of non-existing 'luaopen_xxx' # entry in the module. # PatchScript: << echo "CC=cc -fno-common" >> config echo "LUA=%p/bin" >> config echo "LUAINC=%p/include" >> config echo "LUALIB=%p/lib" >> config << CompileScript: make InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/bin %i/lib %i/include install -c bin/tolua %i/bin/ cp -p lib/libtolua.a %i/lib/libtolua.a cp -p include/tolua.h %i/include/ << # cp -p %i/share/man/man1/tolua.1 %i/share/man/man1/ DocFiles: INSTALL README