Package: tf Version: 40s1 Revision: 1022 Source: Source-MD5: db6fa9a1aac0b7f199567d81c4b5c81d GCC: 4.0 CompileScript: true InstallScript: << mkdir %i/bin mkdir %i/lib mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 (export FINK_BUILD=%i FINK_LIBDIR=%P/lib/%n-%v-lib ; ./unixmake) ln -s %n-%v %i/bin/%n << #PostRmScript: rm %p/bin/%n #PostInstScript: ln -s %p/bin/%n-%v %p/bin/%n DocFiles: README CHANGES COPYING CREDITS BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 95f005e612359a9782aa845ca43f9840 # Description: TinyFugue, a popular MUSH and MUD client DescDetail: << TinyFugue, aka "tf", is a flexible, screen-oriented MUD client, for use with any type of MUD. TinyFugue is one of the most popular and powerful mud clients. << DescPackaging: This program does not use a standard configure / make system and required a little bit of patching to the build scripts in order to work well with fink. This is my first attempt at making a fink package. License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Avram Cherry