Package: galsim Version: 0.3 Revision: 1 Description: Galaxy Image Simulator HomePage: License: GPL Maintainer: Mike Jarvis BuildDepends: scons, boost1.35.python27, tmv0, fftw3, fink (>= 0.28) Depends: python27, numpy-py27, pyfits-py27, boost1.35.python27-shlibs, yaml-py27, tmv0-shlibs, fftw3-shlibs Source: SourceRename: GalSim-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: e8667ea106c24c955089ccc421ce68bc GCC: 4.0 NoSetMAKEFLAGS: true UseMaxBuildJobs: true CompileScript: << # Note: The above two parameters should mean that the MAKEFILES # environment variable only has '-jN'. This has the same meaning for # scons, but scons doesn't use MAKEFLAGS, so put it here explicitly. scons PYTHON=%p/bin/python2.7 PREFIX=%i TMV_DIR=%p $MAKEFLAGS << InstallScript: << # Use -j1 to prevent Scons script from automatically detecting and using # the number of cpus scons install PREFIX=%i FINAL_PREFIX=%p PYPREFIX=%i/lib/python2.7/site-packages IMPORT_PREFIX=false -j1 # We delete the unversioned symlink since we don't actually want any other packages # linking this file, so this helps to discourage that. rm %i/lib/libgalsim.dylib << DocFiles: LICENSE doc/GalSim_Quick_Reference.pdf Shlibs: !%p/lib/libgalsim.0.dylib