Package: hdf5-18 Version: 1.8.5-patch1 Revision: 8 # DO NOT MOVE TO 10.7. PACKAGES THAT DEPEND ON THIS SHOULD BE UPDATED TO USE hdf5.7 INSTEAD Distribution: 10.5, 10.6 License: OSI-Approved Source: Source-MD5: d22a35a17877e369055ed50da5ba91fa Description: Scientific data format (v1.8 API)--headers DescDetail: << It was designed to address some of the limitations of the HDF 4.x library and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems and applications. << DescUsage: << Prior to verions 1.8.5-patch1, the libraries and headers were installed in %p/lib/%N/(include|lib) due to file overlap with hdf5-shlibs. We continue to maintain upgrade compatibility symlinks there. Specifying a versioned BuildDepends: hdf5-18 (>=1.8.5-patch1-1) avoids the necessity of pointing builds to %p/lib/%N. << Conflicts: hdf5, hdf5.7, hdf5.7-oldapi, hdf5.8, hdf5.8-oldapi Replaces: hdf5, hdf5.7, hdf5.7-oldapi, hdf5.8, hdf5.8-oldapi Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), %N-bin, szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2) BuildDepends: szip (>= 2.0-2), fink(>= 0.24.12), fink-package-precedence GCC: 4.0 BuildDependsOnly: True PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's/hardcode_direct=yes/hardcode_direct=no/g' configure perl -pi -e 's,sort \+2,sort -k 2,' bin/ << ConfigureParams: << --enable-shared --enable-cxx --with-zlib --without-mpe --with-szlib \ --without-pthread --disable-parallel --disable-static << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # special-case for 10.6; check whether compiler is llvm-gcc if [[ -n `gcc --version | grep llvm-g` ]] then export CXX=clang++ export CC=clang fi %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=hdf5.7,hdf5.7-oldapi,hdf5.8,hdf5.8-oldapi,hdf5,%N c++/ fortran/ tools/ hl/tools << InfoTest: << TestScript: make check << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make install DESTDIR=%d #compatibility symlinks install -d %i/lib/%N/include install -d %i/lib/%N/lib pushd %i/lib/%N/include # generate upgrade symlinks for file in ../../../include/*.h do ln -s $file done cd ../lib #remove .la files which are in hdf5-18 # rm # generate upgrade compatibility symlinks ln -s ../../libhdf5.6.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5.6.dylib libhdf5.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_hl.6.dylib libhdf5_hl.0.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_hl.6.dylib libhdf5_hl.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_cpp.6.dylib libhdf5_cpp.0.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_cpp.6.dylib libhdf5_cpp.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_hl_cpp.6.dylib libhdf5_hl_cpp.0.dylib ln -s ../../libhdf5_hl_cpp.6.dylib libhdf5_hl_cpp.dylib ln -s ../../ ln -s ../../libhdf5.settings popd # remove fortran examples pushd %i/share/hdf5_examples rm -rf fortran hl/fortran popd fink-package-precedence . << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: szip-shlibs (>= 2.0-2) Files: << lib/libhdf5.6.dylib lib/libhdf5_cpp.6.dylib lib/libhdf5_hl.6.dylib lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.6.dylib lib/%N/lib/libhdf5.6.dylib lib/%N/lib/libhdf5_cpp.0.dylib lib/%N/lib/libhdf5_hl.0.dylib lib/%N/lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.0.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/libhdf5.6.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.5-patch1-1) %p/lib/libhdf5_hl.6.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.5-patch1-1) %p/lib/libhdf5_cpp.6.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.5-patch1-1) %p/lib/libhdf5_hl_cpp.6.dylib 7.0.0 %n (>= 1.8.5-patch1-1) << DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* Description: Scientific data format (v1.8 API)--shared libraries DescUsage: << Prior to version 1.8.5-patch1, the libraries and headers were installed in %p/lib/%N/(include|lib) due to file overlap with hdf5-shlibs. We continue to maintain upgrade compatibility symlinks there. Specifying a versioned BuildDepends: hdf5-18-gfortran (>=1.8.5-patch1-1) avoids the necessity of pointing builds to %p/lib/%N. << << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) Conflicts: hdf5-bin, hdf5.7-bin, hdf5.7-oldapi-bin, hdf5.8-bin, hdf5.8-oldapi-bin Replaces: hdf5-bin, hdf5.7-bin, hdf5.7-oldapi-bin, hdf5.8-bin, hdf5.8-oldapi-bin Files: bin DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* Description: Scientific data format (v1.8 API)--executables << DocFiles: COPYING README.txt release_docs/RELEASE.txt release_docs/HISTORY* Homepage: Maintainer: Alexander Hansen