Package: caps Version: 0.4.5 Revision: 1 Depends: ladspa BuildDepends: ladspa-dev, autoconf2.6, automaken Source: SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: f3fda0eec716202b658cc6075daa35d0 CompileScript: << ./ --prefix=%p perl -pi -e 's|(-nostartfiles)| -fno-common -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress -lbundle1.o -avoidversion -module -Wc,\1|' Makefile perl -pi -e 's|strip|echo strip|g' Makefile perl -pi -e 's|/usr/local|%i|g' Makefile make << GCC: 4.0 DocFiles: README CHANGES COPYING caps.html Maintainer: Adrian Prantl Homepage: Description: The C* Audio Plugin Suite License: GPL DescDetail: << CAPS, the C* Audio Plugin Suite, is a collection of refined LADSPA audio plugins capable of (and mainly intended for) realtime operation. The suite includes DSP units emulating instrument amplifiers, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analogue' oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and more. My favourite user's quote: "... if your amps beat your plugins, they are *very good* amps.. ;-)" - Thanks, Pete! Most of the suite is of my own invention, while some plugins are rewrites of existing designs, included for excellence or interest. Inspiring code was authored by (in no particular order): Andrew Simper, Perry Cook, Gary Scavone, Steve Harris, Richard Dobson, Bram de Jong, Robert Bristow-Johnson and others. The ToneStack plugins and the tone controls of the AmpVTS unit have been designed and implemented by David Yeh at CCRMA. All of CAPS is free software and distributed in source code. <<