Package: qtguitune Version: 0.5 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: qt3, portaudio, fink (>= 0.24.12), autoconf2.6 Depends: x11, qt3-shlibs, portaudio-shlibs GCC: 4.0 Source: Source-MD5: ab245b0218d22078999f41b58c04e9a7 UpdateConfigGuess: true PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 7e03955d34251280f2bf0d4525c448be PatchScript: << sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 autoconf chmod +x configure << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d strip %i/bin/%n << DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS NEWS Description: Tuning guitars and other instruments DescDetail: << Guitune is a linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e. counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time. << DescPort: << Replaced the linux OSS backend with portaudio's blocking I/O layer. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Martin Buechler