Package: sidplay Version: 1.0.9 Revision: 1002 Maintainer: None GCC: 4.0 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: db24205c244d2c01cf34bd6be132273f BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), libao2, libsidplay (>= 1.36.59-1001) Depends: libao2-shlibs, libsidplay-shlibs (>= 1.36.59-1001) Source: Source-MD5: 633506d1225ce9713106fc8d851b0750 DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog POINTER INSTALL ConfigureParams: --with-sidplay-includes=%i/includes --with-sidplay-library=%i/lib Description: Command line SID (C64 audio file) player DescDetail: << Command line SID (C64 audio file format) player << DescPort: << This was ported to use libao, which uses CoreAudio. The libao port to OS X only supports 44.1kHz 16bit 2 channel audio, so this port of sidplay defaults to using those specifications. Also, CoreAudio did not like the small buffer size that sidplay defaulted to using, so the port also bumps up the buffer size that sidplay uses. If you change any of these settings, sidplay will likely not work on OS X. << License: GPL Homepage: