Package: sndplay Version: 1.1 Revision: 1 ### can't build with XCode 3.2 (10.6) due to deprecated stuff Distribution: 10.5 Source: SourceDirectory: %n Source-MD5: 3b81797645b99f11baa622a4ddbb4748 BuildDepends: macosx, xcode (<= 3.2) CompileScript: << #!/bin/csh -efv xcodebuild echo "sndplay is Public Domain" > LICENSE << InstallScript: << mkdir %i/bin echo "Ignore errors about build/%n from 'strip' and 'install'" strip build/%n || strip build/Default/%n install -c build/%n %i/bin || install -c build/Default/%n %i/bin << DocFiles: LICENSE Description: Simple CLI sound player for OS X DescDetail: << sndplay is a simple audio player with no dependencies. A version of the original NeXT utility, sndplay handles whatever NSSound can handle so .aiff .snd and .wav will work. << License: Public Domain Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: