Package: bibtool Description: Manipulate BibTeX databases Version: 2.48 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Jesse Alama Homepage: Source-MD5: 20ebb18ea55e5f64b67f5b8edaa0d6fa Depends: tetex-base | system-tetex Source: mirror:ctan:biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool/BibTool-%v.tar.gz License: GPL DocFiles: COPYING README THANKS ToDo Doc/bibtool.dvi Doc/c_lib.dvi Doc/ref_card.dvi CompileScript: << ./configure %c --without-kpathsea --mandir=%d%p/share/man make cd Doc make dvi make dvi << InstallScript: << make install exec_prefix=%d%p make << DescDetail: << BibTeX provides an easy to use means to integrate citations and bibliographies into LaTeX documents. But the user is left alone with the management of the BibTeX files. The program BibTool is intended to fill this gap. BibTool allows the manipulation of BibTeX files which goes beyond the possibilities---and intentions---of BibTeX. The possibilities of BibTool include * Pretty-printing BibTeX data bases adjustable by lots of parameters. * Syntactic checks with error recovery superior to BibTeX and helpful error messages. * Semantic checks can be specified by the user. * Sorting and merging of BibTeX data bases according to a free definable sort key. * Generation of uniform reference keys according to predefined rules or according to an own specification. * Selecting references used in one publication which are found by analyzing an .aux file. * Selecting references by a set of criteria (regular expressions). * Controlled rewriting of fields utilizing regular expressions to specify the rewriting rules. * Macro (String) expansion to eliminate the need of extra string definitions. * Collecting statistics about one or more BibTeX data bases. << DescPackaging: << "make" doesn't allow for redirection, so pass it %d during configure. <<