Package: cextra Version: 0.3.4 Revision: 1 Description: Download & convert eText from Zeno/Gutenberg License: OSI-Approved # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: 56a43403b3cdef592e4db8952f3cb51f NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: # no compile script InstallScript: # no install script JarFiles: cextra.jar DocFiles: *.txt DescDetail: << Cextra is a program for downloading and converting an arbitrary eText by or to a clean and valid XHTML-file which can be used as source for ebook conversion tools like Calibre. << DescUsage: << Usage: cextra options --author -a value : Author [--debug -d] : Enable debugging output [--help -h] : display help --profile -f /(zeno|gb_de|default)/ : Extraction profile to be used. --publisher -p value : Publisher --subTitle -s value : Subtitle --target -o value : Target output directory (*** mandatory ***) --title -t value : Title --url -u value : URL of the source webpage (*** mandatory ***) Use java -jar cextra.jar -h to get a full list of options << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler