Package: fop-offo Version: 0.20.5 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Thomas Kotzian # Depends: fop Source: mirror:sourceforge:offo/ Source-MD5: 1bc51f2c4ae459ac74a0ee5cb6e9ea98 SourceDirectory: offo-hyphenation-fop-%v CompileScript: echo "none needed" InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/java/fop install -m 444 fop-hyph.jar %i/share/java/fop mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R *.html skin images %i/share/doc/%n << Description: FOP Hyphenation files for various languages DescDetail: << The project 'Objects For Formatting Objects' (OFFO) hosts hyphenation pattern files in the XML format used by the Formatting Object Processor Apache Fop. << License: Restrictive Homepage: