Package: pdfsync Version: 1.0 Revision: 2 Source: mirror:sourceforge:itexmac/ Source-MD5: 35d051a63b155b6d5e487832557a214d SourceDirectory: %n Depends: tetex-base Description: Sync between LaTeX source and PDF output DescDetail: << pdfsync.sty allows one to synchronize between LaTeX source and PDF output. The package generates an auxiliary file with geometrical information on each LaTeX run. When used with a PDF viewer that supports pdfsync (such as PDFView, TeXniscope, iTeXMac or TeXShop), you can navigate from the source to the output and vice versa. << Homepage: License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Bruno De Fraine DocFiles: README CompileScript: #none InstallScript: << install -d %i/etc/texmf.local/tex/latex/pdfsync install pdfsync.sty %i/etc/texmf.local/tex/latex/pdfsync/ << PostInstScript: %p/bin/mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local PostRmScript: %p/bin/mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local