Info2: << Package: paste-py%type_pkg[python] Type: python (2.5 2.6 2.7) Version: Revision: 1 Depends: python%type_pkg[python], distribute-py%type_pkg[python] Source: Source-MD5: 7ea5fabed7dca48eb46dc613c4b6c4ed DocFiles: PKG-INFO Paste.egg-info docs/* CompileScript: echo Skipping compile stage InstallScript: << #! /bin/bash -ev %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d << Description: Python web developement middleware DescDetail: << Python Paste brings consistency to Python web development and web application installation, providing tools for both developers and system administrators. Using Paste does not exclude the use of other WSGI libraries and components. There's really no advantage to putting new development or major rewrites in Paste, as opposed to putting them in new packages. Because of this it is planned that major new development will happen outside of Paste. This makes Paste a very stable and conservative piece of infrastructure for building on. << Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr Homepage: LICENSE: BSD # Info2: <<