Package: ctwm Version: 3.5.2 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 2e17ac147b0168df6b0fd06d76df5b6a Depends: x11 BuildDepends: x11-dev, xmkmf (>= 1.0.2-3) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:$PATH export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config xmkmf make YACC="bison" YFLAGS="-y -d" BINDIR="%p/bin" MANDIR="%p/share/man" DOCHTMLDIR="%p/share/doc/ctwm" TWMDIR="%p/etc/X11/ctwm" << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:$PATH export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config make install DESTDIR=%d BINDIR="%p/bin" MANDIR="%p/share/man" DOCHTMLDIR="%p/share/doc/ctwm" TWMDIR="%p/etc/X11/ctwm" INSTALLFLAGS=-c << Description: Claude's Tab Window Manager DescDetail: << CTWM is a window manager for the X Window System create by Claude Lecommandeur. It adds features like 3d effects and a virtual desktop to the twm window manager. << DescPort: << The 'official web site' of ctwm has not been accessible for a time. I'm not sure if it will actually come back. I may choose another home page for it at some point. I chose to build 3.5.2 for now instead of a newer version because the newer versions I found lacked the required xpm directory. << DescPackaging: << Maintainer (<= 3.5.2-1): Daniel Henninger << DocFiles: README ctwm.txt example.ctwmrc peterc.ctwmrc levitte.ctwmrc system.ctwmrc License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: None Homepage: