Package: amule Version: 2.1.0 Revision: 1003 GCC: 4.0 Description: All-platform eMule p2p client License: GPL Maintainer: None BuildDepends: << wxmac (>=2.6.3-1001), gettext-tools, gd2 (>= 2.0.35-11), readline5, libiconv-dev << Depends: << macosx, wxmac-shlibs (>=2.6.3-1001), gd2-shlibs (>= 2.0.35-11), readline5-shlibs, libiconv << Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/aMule-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 238199195f2590d38e608ca5dbe06c16 ConfigureParams: << --mandir=%i/share/man \ --with-gdlib-config=%p/bin/gdlib-config \ --with-wx-config=%p/bin/wx-config \ --enable-optimize \ --disable-debug \ --enable-alc --enable-alcc \ --enable-amule-daemon \ --enable-wxcas \ --enable-amulecmd \ --enable-webserver << InstallScript: << %{default_script} /bin/ln -s %p/bin/amule << AppBundles: DescDetail: << The "all-platform eMule", it is a eMule-like client for ed2k network, supporting Linux, *BSD platforms, Solaris, MacOSX and Win32(*soon). It was forked from xMule project back in september 2003 (not related to it anymore, except little bits of old code), to drive it to a brand new direction and quality. Uses wxWidgets (formely known as wxWindows) for multiplatform support. << Homepage: