Package: libassuan Version: 1.0.5 Revision: 1 Epoch: 1 Maintainer: Darian Lanx BuildDependsOnly: true BuildDepends: pth2-dev Conflicts: libassuan2 Replaces: libassuan2 Source: Source-MD5: c2db0974fcce4401f48f3fa41c4edc5a ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --disable-dependency-tracking PatchScript: << mv INSTALL INSTALL.txt << CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << InfoTest: << TestScript: << make check || exit 2 << << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL.txt NEWS README* THANKS TODO InfoDocs: Description: Safer IPC library DescDetail: << Libassuan is a small library implementing the so-called Assuan protocol. This protocol is used for IPC between most newer GnuPG components. Both, server and client side functions are provided. Assuan was developed for use by the GNU Privacy Guard, GnuPG, to prevent potentially buggy clients from unwittingly corrupting sensitive transactions or compromising data such as a secret key. Assuan permits the servers, which do the actual work, e.g. encryption and decryption of data using a secret key, to be developed independently of the user interfaces, e.g. mail clients and other encryption front ends. Like a shared library, the interface is well defined and any number of front ends can use it; however, unlike a shared library, the client cannot see or touch the server's data. As with any modular system, Assuan helps keep the servers small and understandable help to make code more understandable and less error prone. << DescPackaging: << Update to 1.0.1 by Roland Kuhn Update to 1.0.5 by Hanspeter Niederstrasser Lib is static-only; really does use pth. << Homepage: License: GPL