Info2: << Package: maxima Version: 5.32.1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Description: Symbol manipulation program License: GPL BuildDepends: fink (>=0.32), sbcl (>= 1.1.14-1), texinfo (>=5.2-1) RuntimeDepends: gnuplot-bin, rlwrap Depends: recode # not sure about those bdeps; also: + recode-dev ? + tcltk-dev ? # It doesn't actually seem to _link_ tcltk, but uses its # wish shell at runtime. # dep on rlwrap (>= 0.28-1) because of rmaxima # among the deps, the following would suffice by recursivity: sbcl gnuplot recode # rlwrap tcltk Conflicts: maxima, maxima-nox Replaces: maxima, maxima-nox Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/Maxima-source/%v-source/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: ebc0333a8df3cb5f8401ef2195b9797f ConfigureParams: << --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \ --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' \ --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib' \ --enable-gettext \ --enable-lang-de \ --enable-lang-es \ --enable-lang-pt \ --enable-lang-pt_BR \ --enable-lang-de-utf8 \ --enable-lang-es-utf8 \ --enable-lang-pt-utf8 \ --enable-lang-pt_BR-utf8 \ --enable-recode \ --enable-sbcl-exec \ --with-default-lisp=sbcl \ --with-sbcl=%p/bin/sbcl \ --with-wish=/usr/bin/wish << # Default CompileScript # Default InstallScript PostInstScript: << printf "Now that maxima has been updated, you can remove\n" printf "any obsolete sbcl-maxima packages by running:\n" printf "\nfink remove " for pkg in 1047 1049 1050 1051 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 ; do printf "sbcl-%%s-maxima " $pkg done printf "\n\n" << InfoTest: << TestScript: make check || exit 2 << InfoDocs: # The info-N files in %p/share/info are probably not needed here. DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS INSTALL README ChangeLog* DescPackaging: << As of 5.30.0-7: now rolls a standalone rather than interpreted executable, which doesn't require sbcl at runtime. This stops the proliferation of sbcl-*-maxima package names, and avoids the need for rebuilds when the sbcl revision is changed. Pkg in crypto because of preamble of COPYING _ even though it states explicitly NOT to be part of the licence. As of 5.15.0-3, build like the prior maxima-nox package: Separate out the xmaxima package, built against the system's Tcl/Tk, as a SplitOff. Move mgnuplot into the xmaxima package as of version 5.21.x, since it uses the wish as set from configure. Previous versions maintained by William McCallum, Matthias Neeracher, and Andrea Riciputi. << DescDetail: << Maxima is a symbolic computation program. It is full featured, including symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, 2D and 3D plotting, an ODE solver, and bigfloats. It contains a symbolic source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is based on the original MACsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. This package contains the command-line executables, demos, sources, etc. << DescUsage: << Enter "rmaxima" for a command line interface with line editing. The "maxima" executable doesn't have this capability now. "xmaxima" has moved to its own packages. X11 plotting in gnuplot can be turned on via flags sent to the plot commands. << Homepage: Splitoff: << Package: xmaxima Depends: maxima ( >= %v-%r) Conflicts: maxima ( << 5.15.0-3 ) , maxima-nox, xmaxima-x11 Replaces: maxima ( << 5.16.1-1 ) , maxima-nox, xmaxima-x11 Files: << bin/%n lib/%N/%v/mgnuplot share/%N/%v/%n/* share/info/ << InfoDocs: Description: Tcl/TK front end for maxima (Aqua graphics) DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS INSTALL README ChangeLog* << <<