Info2: << Package: srecord Version: 1.44 Revision: 1 License: GPL Description: Set of tools for manipulating EPROM files Maintainer: None Depends: boost1.35.nopython-shlibs BuildDepends: boost1.35.nopython Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 5ada397dc5a0024116d442b457fb2de4 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DescDetail: << The srecord package understands a number of file formats: ASCII-Hex, ASCII-Space-Hex, Atmel, raw binary, C array declaration, DEC Binary XXDP, Elektor Monitor EMON52, Four Packed Code FPC, Intel MCS-86 Object format, MOS Technology hexadecimal, Motorola S-Record, Signetics, SPASM PIC, Tektronix Hexadecimal, Tektronix Extended Hexadecimal, Texas Instruments Tagged, TI-Tagged TI-SDSMAC, VHDL, and Wilson Eprom Burner. The srecord package is capable of the following operations: Conversions from any format to any other format, concatenations of multiple files, comparisons of files, report file summary info, filtering. The srecord package is capable of the following filtrations: checksums, byte swapping, CRC insertion, crop addresses, exclude addresses, fill holes, insert length information, maximum and minimum, adjust offsets, split and unsplit for memory striping schemes. << DescPackaging: << Formerly maintained by Aleix Conchillo Flaque . << Homepage: <<