Package: scummvm Version: 1.5.0 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: d71d1df5c8262556fedbe885972fbf6e Depends: << fluidsynth1-shlibs, libflac8 (>= 1.2.1-1000), libmad-shlibs (>= 0.15.1b-5), libogg-shlibs (>= 1.1.4-1), libvorbis0-shlibs (>= 1.2.2-1), sdl-shlibs (>= 1.2.13-1), libpng15-shlibs, libtheora0-shlibs << BuildDepends: << fluidsynth1-dev, libflac8-dev (>= 1.2.1-1000), libmad (>= 0.15.1b-5), libogg (>= 1.1.4-1), libvorbis0 (>= 1.2.2-1), sdl (>= 1.2.13-1), libpng15, ( %m = i386 ) nasm, libtheora0 << ## Will use fink's mpeg2dec with --enable-mpeg2 but the build fails, so don't do that. SetCXXFLAGS: -Os ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --enable-release --disable-seq-midi --disable-timidity --enable-opengl InstallScript: << perl -pi -e "s,-c -s -m 644,-c -m 644," make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* NEWS README TODO Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink GCC: 4.0 License: GPL Description: Engine for several graphical adventure games DescDetail: << ScummVM is a 'virtual machine' for several classic graphical point-and-click adventure games. It is designed to run Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system. SCUMM is used for many games, including Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. See the official compatibility list at for a full list of supported games. <<