Package: gourmet Version: 0.15.9 Revision: 1 Description: Recipe manager License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Monic Polynomial Source: mirror:sourceforge:grecipe-manager/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 7bef5569fb4523747973d83ab69a9a79 BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.28.0), python27, intltool40 << Depends: << gnome-icon-theme, gnome-python2-desktop-py27, gnome-python2-extras-gtkspell-py27, pil-py27, pygobject2-py27, pygtk2-gtk-py27, pysqlite2-py27, reportlab-py27, sqlalchemy-py27 << CompileScript: %p/bin/python2.7 build InstallScript: %p/bin/python2.7 install --root %d DocFiles: CHANGES ChangeLog FAQ MANIFEST PKG-INFO README TESTS TODO DescDetail: << Gourmet Recipe Manager is a simple but powerful recipe-managing application. Gourmet allows you to collect, search and organize your recipes, and to automatically generate shopping lists from your collection. The latest version also allows you to calculate nutritional information for your recipes using the USDA food database (or entering custom information by hand). Gourmet's features include: * Simple searching and sorting * Clear, Attractive display of recipes and nutritional information * Easy recipe editing * Import and export from various formats * A shopping list creator and organizer <<