Info4: << Package: create-resources Version: 0.1.3 Revision: 1 Description: Shared resources for graphics programs License: GPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed BuildDepends: scons Source: Source-MD5: d4d742bf65ad38423edacb96ef9fcf1c CompileScript: scons PREFIX="%p" InstallScript: << scons install PREFIX="%i" mv %i/share/doc/create %i/share/doc/%N << DescDetail: << Today opensource graphics applications seem to like to work out uniform solutions. Krita uses GIMP's brushes, Inkscape uses GIMP's color swatches files. Still missing are ways to share resources like brushes, so that users wouldn't need to install all of these resources separately for each and every application that can read such data. The intention of this specification is to work out uniform rules for storing possibly shared data, which would let developers benefit from no efforts duplication; packagers benefit from no efforts duplication; users benefit from using one root directory for all art supplies and one art supplies registry for all applications. << <<