Package: frei0r-dev Version: 1.3 Revision: 1 Description: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects License: GPL Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser BuildDepends: << libgavl1, pkgconfig << BuildDependsOnly: true Source: Source-MD5: a2eb63feeeb0c5cf439ccca276cbf70c SourceDirectory: frei0r-%v GCC: 4.0 InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README TODO Splitoff: << Package: frei0r Depends: << libgavl1-shlibs << Description: Minimalistic API video effects plugins DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README TODO Files: lib/frei0r-1 << Homepage: DescDetail: << Frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behaviour of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. <<