Package: gozer Version: 0.7 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: 6eaa33a759d9c15967e0b7f008cc3d55 Depends: giblib-shlibs, imlib2-shlibs BuildDepends: giblib, imlib2 PatchScript: << ### avoid installing into %p/doc perl -pi -e 's|\$\(prefix\)/doc|\$\(prefix\)/share/doc|g' << SetCFLAGS: -Os ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --with-extra-includes=%p/include --with-extra-libs=%p/lib --disable-dependency-tracking InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README TODO Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink License: BSD Description: Simple text renderer DescDetail: << It's a commandline text renderer. It will take text on the commandline or from a file and render it using antialiased TrueType fonts, using optional font styles, word wrapping, justification and layout control. <<