Package: gqview-unstable Version: 2.1.5 Revision: 4 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.32) RuntimeDepends: gqview (>= 2.1.5-4), fink-obsolete-packages Type: bundle License: GPL Description: Browser for graphics files DescDetail: << GQview is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of your graphics files includes thumbnail view, zoom and filtering features and external editor support. << DescUsage: << This is a dummy package that might help remind you to switch to the real "gqview" if you used to use "gqview-unstable". The switch is not completely automatic. If you get an error about conflicts that prevent installing gqview because gqview-unstable is installed, simply remove gqview-unstable and then install gqview and you will be all set. << Homepage: Maintainer: H. Todd Fujinaka