Package: subtitleripper Version: 0.3-4 Revision: 3 Depends: libpng3-shlibs, netpbm10-shlibs, sed Recommends: transcode, gocr BuildDepends: libpng3, netpbm10 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tgz Source-MD5: c0bd49a88f667c68c4430ad25bbed510 SourceDirectory: subtitleripper PatchScript: << perl -i -p -e "s|-lppm|-lnetpbm -L%p/lib|" Makefile perl -i -p -e "s|^INCLUDES.*$|INCLUDES := -I%p/include/|" Makefile << CompileScript: << make perl -i -p -e "s|^PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILTER=.*$|PATH_TO_LANGUAGE_FILTER=%p/share/subtitleripper/|" pgm2txt << InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install pgm2txt srttool subtitle2pgm subtitle2vobsub vobsub2pgm %i/bin install -d %i/share/%n install gocrfilter*.sed %i/share/%n << DocFiles: ChangeLog README* Description: DVD subtitle extractor DescDetail: << This package extracts DVD subtitles from a subtitle stream and converts it to pgm or ppm images or into VobSub format. The main purpose is to provide the required input to OCR software to convert the subtitle images into ASCII text. Please note that the conversion into ASCII is not part of this package but requires an OCR program like gocr. Besides programs to convert DVD subtitles to images (subtitle2pgm) or VobSub files (subtitle2vobsub), and to convert VobSub files to images (vobsub2pgm), this package provides a help script to call gocr on the images (pgm2txt), as well as a tool to do common manipulations (such as renumberings or time adjustments) on textual subtitles in the resulting subrip format (srttool). << DescPort: << The system sed does not understand the syntax used by the pgm2txt script. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald