Package: caml-light-plugins Version: 0.75 Revision: 3 Description: Additional tools/libraries for caml-light BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: x11, caml-light License: Restrictive/Distributable Maintainer: Thomas Deniau CustomMirror: << eur-PL: asi-JP: Primary: << Source: mirror:custom:cl75unix.tar.gz Source-MD5: 6c236074e4487949ec22001c7a498057 SourceDirectory: cl75 DocFiles: COPYRIGHT README contrib/INDEX PatchFile: caml-light.patch PatchFile-MD5: bfb5b98324ed983665fc79b133170b99 PatchScript: << patch -p1 < %{PatchFile} ### camlpro is created as a symlink to the file in %i, not %p ### would be easier if Makefile understood $DESTDIR, but it doesn't perl -pi -e 's|ln -s \$\(LIBDIR\)/camlinstr|ln -s %p/lib/%n/camlinstr|g' contrib/profiler/Makefile << SetCPP: /usr/bin/cpp -P -traditional -Dunix UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: << # first recompile the required tools make -C src configure make -C src/runtime camlrun cp src/runtime/camlrun src/ make -C src/yacc cp src/yacc/camlyacc src/ make -C src/lib make -C src/compiler make -C src/linker make -C src/toplevel #we can proceed to the actual tools compilation make -C contrib CPP='/usr/bin/cpp -P -traditional -Dunix' LIBDIR='%p/lib/%n' CAMLLIBR='%p/bin/camllibr' CAMLLEX='%p/bin/camllex' PACKAGES='libunix debugger libnum libstr mletags lorder profiler libgraph' << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/lib/caml-light mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1/ make -C contrib MANDIR='%i/share/man/man1' BINDIR='%i/bin/' LIBDIR='%i/lib/caml-light' PACKAGES='libunix debugger libnum libstr mletags lorder profiler libgraph' install << Homepage: DescDetail: << Caml is a programming language, easy to learn, easy to use, and yet amazingly powerful. It is developed and distributed by INRIA (the main French research institute for computer science), since 1984. There exist two flavors of Caml: Caml Light and Objective Caml. Caml Light is merely a subset of Objective Caml, especially designed for teaching and learning the art of programming. This package includes some add-ons for caml-light, found in the contrib/ part of the distribution : a debugger, X11 graphics support, a big-num library.... << DescUsage: Run 'camllight camlgraph' for X11 graphics support. DescPackaging: << This port includes the libunix, libnum, libstr, and libgraph libraries, along with the debugger, the profiler, and the mletags tool. <<