Info2: << Package: erlang-otp Epoch: 1 # Note: dpkg wants versions to start with a digit, so we massage # the erlang version string a bit, matching what Debian does with it. Version: 16.b.2 Type: v (R16B02) License: OSI-Approved Revision: 2 Description: General-purpose programming language Maintainer: None Depends: << libncurses5-shlibs, gd2-shlibs, unixodbc2-shlibs | unixodbc2-nox-shlibs << BuildDepends: << libncurses5, gd2, unixodbc2 | unixodbc2-nox, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) << Source:[v].tar.gz Source-MD5: ca63bcde0e5ae0f2df9457f97b3115a4 Source2:[v].tar.gz Source2-MD5: fe3ff42375090d33ce1ba98c28218cf3 Source2ExtractDir: docs-man Source3:[v].tar.gz Source3-MD5: 5bd028771290eacbc075ca65a63749e6 Source3ExtractDir: docs-html DocFiles: AUTHORS EPLICENCE README.* NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true UseMaxBuildJobs: false ConfigureParams: --with-odbc=%p --with-gd=%p InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Determine ERTS version ertsver=`cat %b/Makefile | grep "ERTS =" | cut -f2 -d'-'` # Install make install prefix=%i # Fix symlinks rm -f %i/bin/dialyzer %i/bin/epmd %i/bin/erl %i/bin/erlc %i/bin/escript %i/bin/run_erl %i/bin/to_erl %i/bin/typer %i/lib/erlang/bin/epmd ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/dialyzer %i/bin/dialyzer ln -s %p/lib/erlang/erts-${ertsver}/bin/epmd %i/lib/erlang/bin/epmd ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/epmd %i/bin/epmd ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/erl %i/bin/erl ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/erlc %i/bin/erlc ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/escript %i/bin/escript ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/run_erl %i/bin/run_erl ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/to_erl %i/bin/to_erl ln -s %p/lib/erlang/bin/typer %i/bin/typer # Fix paths in scripts perl -i -pe "s:%d::g" \ %i/lib/erlang/bin/erl \ %i/lib/erlang/bin/start \ %i/lib/erlang/erts-${ertsver}/bin/erl \ %i/lib/erlang/erts-${ertsver}/bin/start \ %i/lib/erlang/releases/RELEASES # Move documentation to erlang-aware location mv %b/../docs-man/* %i/lib/erlang/ # Copy over html documentation mkdir -p %i/share/doc/erlang-otp/html mv %b/../docs-html/* %i/share/doc/erlang-otp/html/ << DescDetail: << Erlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson. The most popular implementation of Erlang is available as open source from the open source erlang site. << DescPackaging: << AKH: Use Type: v to provide an upper-cased analogue to Version, since Version should only contain lowercase letters, numbers,'.', '+' and '-' AKH: Commentary on upstream blog site said that this packaging avoided pcre, so I'm assuming the NoSet*FLAGS is for that. Matthias Ringwald: bumped to R15B01, used original versions numbering, commented the patch as it did compile without it. Maintainer (> 10b-10-1) && (<= 12b-0-1): Aleix Conchillo Flaque Maintainer (<= 10b-10-1): Daniel Henninger << Homepage: <<