Package: sbcl Architecture: x86_64 Version: 1.1.14 Revision: 1 License: BSD Description: ANSI Common Lisp implementation Maintainer: Jesse Alama # NOTE: The version of the bootstrap binary does not automatically # change when the version field is updated. CompileScript and Source2 # need to be updated by hand when moving to a new version of the # bootstap binary BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Source: mirror:sourceforge:sbcl/sbcl-%v-source.tar.bz2 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:sbcl/sbcl-1.1.0-x86-64-darwin-binary.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: e3f933f7cb0053c3438d86e90f5bd73b Source2-MD5: 0638987a4ef2262486fa0649a9871562 SourceDirectory: %n-%v PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 743b2e165203e3769349e17386f4ed04 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's|\(deftest readdir.1|#-darwin\n$&|' contrib/sb-posix/posix-tests.lisp perl -pi -e 's|makeinfo|/usr/bin/makeinfo|g' doc/internals/Makefile doc/manual/Makefile << CompileScript: << SBCL_ARCH="x86-64" sh "../sbcl-1.1.0-x86-64-darwin/src/runtime/sbcl \ --core ../sbcl-1.1.0-x86-64-darwin/output/sbcl.core \ --disable-debugger --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null" cd doc/manual ; env MAKEINFO=/usr/bin/makeinfo make html info << InstallScript: << find %b -depth -type d -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; find %b -depth -type f -name .cvsignore -exec rm -f {} \; find %b -depth -type f -name a.out -exec rm -f {} \; unset SBCL_HOME ; INSTALL_ROOT=%i sh mv %i/bin/sbcl %i/lib/sbcl/sbcl echo '#! /bin/sh' > %i/bin/sbcl echo 'SBCL_HOME=%p/lib/sbcl/ exec %p/lib/sbcl/sbcl "$@"' >> %i/bin/sbcl chmod 755 %i/bin/sbcl << InfoDocs: Homepage: DescDetail: << Steel Bank Common Lisp is an open source development system for ANSI Common Lisp. It provides an interactive environment including an integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger. Several extensions, such as a foreign function interface, and support for Unix (POSIX) system calls are also included. SBCL is derived from CMU CL. << DescPackaging: << Use the system's texinfo (sufficiently new on 10.4 and later) because the documentation source is too sloppy for texinfo-5.x. << DescPort: << Uses a pre-compiled SBCL binary for bootstrapping. Remove test which fails if there's a directory in / with non-ASCII characters in its name. At one point, the HTML documentation for this package included a file whose name was so long that it was killing dpkg. Thus, the following bit used to be in the InstallScript section, but as of version 1.0.44, it seems not to be needed anymore. I include this because upstream may reintroduce the problem, and we may need to reintroduce our solution. # Due to a limitation with dpkg, we need to kill the following file, # whose name is simply too long. See # # # # to learn more about the strangeness that can ensue because of # this limitation of dpkg. # rm %i/share/doc/sbcl/html/sbcl/Method-sb_002dbsd_002dsockets_003asocket_002dmake_002dstream-_0028_0028socket-socket_0029-_0026key-input-output-_0028element_002dtype-_0027character_0029-_0028buffering-full_0029-_0028external_002dformat-default_0029-timeout_0029.html <<