Package: caca Version: 0.99.beta18 Revision: 5 ### Depends: << libcaca-shlibs (>= %v-%r), libncursesw5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1001), imlib2-shlibs, slang2-shlibs << Builddepends: << cairo (>= 1.12.8-3), doxygen, expat1, fink-package-precedence, fontconfig2-dev (>= 2.10.0-1), freeglut, freetype219 (>= 2.4.11-1), glib2-dev (>= 2.22.0-1), imlib2, libncursesw5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1001), pango1-xft2-ft219-dev (>= 1.24.5-4), pkgconfig (>= 0.23), slang2, tetex-base, x11-dev << # libftgl2 # detected but not used GCC: 4.0 ### Source: Source-MD5: 93d35dbdb0527d4c94df3e9a02e865cc ### PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 4fa8ee8dd00a9448f933d583445af566 PatchScript: << %{default_script} # file renamed to getopt.c but apparently no damage from not having # this tweak not applied to it, so omitting # perl -pi -e 's,ifndef __intptr_t_defined,if !defined(__intptr_t_defined) && !defined(_UINTPTR_T),' src/mygetopt.c # Get rid of the SDK stuff perl -pi -e 's, \${MACOSX_SDK_[A-Z]*},,; s/-syslibroot,\${MACOSX_SDK},//; s, *\${ARCH} *,,' configure # this feature enables asm that doesn't build on 10.6/i386 or 10.6/x86_64 perl -pi -e 's/fldln2/fldln2_leads_to_bad_things/g' configure # dmacks (0.99.beta17-3) -- Some symbols got renamed and old left # behind as alias and #define to new, maybe even twice. But weakrefs # aren't supported on darwin, so the ABI compatibility links aren't # working reliably. Patch #define of some old to point to the # current actual names not the intermediate in the renaming pathway # (fixes 'toilet' build). perl -pi -e 's/caca_export_memory/caca_export_canvas_to_memory/' caca/caca.h perl -pi -e 's/caca_import_memory/caca_import_canvas_from_memory/' caca/caca.h # fix llvm and clang failure (via MacPorts)--don't even try weakref perl -pi -e 's,defined __GNUC__ \&\& __GNUC__,\!defined __APPLE__ \&\& defined __GNUC__ \&\& __GNUC__,g' caca/caca.h << ### SetCFLAGS: -DREAL_UNIX_SYSTEM -fno-common SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib ### ConfigureParams: --enable-shared --disable-static --with-pic --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib --with-x --enable-cxx --enable-plugins --disable-cocoa --disable-csharp --disable-ruby --disable-java --disable-python --enable-dependency-tracking --disable-zzuf ### DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS NOTES README THANKS ### CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="%p/lib/glib-2.0/pkgconfig-strict:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" %{default_script} fink-package-precedence --prohibit-bdep=libcaca-dev . << InfoTest: << TestDepends: << cppunit1.12.1 << TestScript: << make -j1 check || exit 2 << << InstallScript: << make -j1 install DESTDIR="%d" mv %i/share/doc/libcucul-dev %i/share/doc/libcaca-dev << SplitOff: << Package: libcaca-shlibs Depends: freeglut-shlibs, libncursesw5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1001), slang2-shlibs, x11-shlibs # loadable-module .la are used at runtime (if at all) not compile-time Replaces: libcaca-dev (<< 0.99.beta17-1) Files: lib/lib*.0*.dylib lib/caca DocFiles: COPYING Shlibs: << %p/lib/libcaca.0.dylib 100.0.0 %n (>= 0.99.beta12-1) %p/lib/libcaca++.0.dylib 100.0.0 %n (>= 0.99.beta12-1) << << SplitOff2: << Package: libcaca-dev BuildDependsOnly: true Depends: libcaca-shlibs (= %v-%r) Files: << bin/caca-config include lib share/man/man3 share/doc/%n << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS NOTES README THANKS << ### Description: Colour AsCii Art library DescDetail: << The libcaca library is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals. It is not unlike the famous AAlib library except it supports colour output. << DescPort: << We disable ruby to avoid the mess of /usr/bin/ruby vs. %p/bin/ruby. library-suffix detection is incorrect but LT_SUFFIX result is only used for caca-sharp, which is disabled. zzuf isn't used, so don't even bother detecting it. << ### License: LGPL Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett Homepage: