Package: jca Version: 1.0 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: f062af1b183a79383286db3e1d7524cb SourceDirectory: . BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: dc3771c3d38ea4867f33b85a94f1bde7 PatchScript: sed 's:@PREFIX@:%p:g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: echo "no CompileScript needed" JarFiles: *.jar InstallScript: echo "no InstallScript needed" DocFiles: LICENSE Homepage: Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Description: Java Connector Architecture DescDetail: << The J2EE Connector architecture provides a Java solution to the problem of connectivity between the many application servers and EISs already in existence. By using the J2EE Connector architecture, EIS vendors no longer need to customize their product for each application server. Application server vendors who conform to the J2EE Connector architecture do not need to add custom code whenever they want to add connectivity to a new EIS. The J2EE Connector architecture defines a standard architecture for connecting the J2EE platform to heterogeneous EISs. Examples of EISs include ERP, mainframe transaction processing, database systems, and legacy applications not written in the Java programming language. By defining a a set of scalable, secure, and transactional mechanisms, the J2EE Connector architecture enables the integration of EISs with application servers and enterprise applications. << License: Restrictive/Distributable