Package: libftgl1 Version: 2.1.2 Revision: 5 ### # This is the original source #Source: Source: Source-MD5: 3eabec9ad37371c4d139408c7ffd2429 SourceDirectory: FTGL ### DocFiles: README.txt COPYING.txt license.txt HISTORY.txt ### Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner HomePage: License: GPL Description: Library for using fonts in OpenGL ### Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDepends: freetype219 ( >=2.3.7-7 ), fink ( >= 0.24.12 ), doxygen BuildDependsOnly: True Replaces: ftgl, libftgl2 Conflicts: ftgl, libftgl2 GCC: 4.0 ### ConfigureParams: --enable-shared --enable-static --with-ft-prefix=%p --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFIle-MD5: a772a6bbecc8554425995aa72445106e NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev cd unix ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev cd unix make -j1 install prefix=%i << ### SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Description: Shared libraries for FTGL Depends: freetype219-shlibs Files: << lib/libftgl.0.0.0.dylib lib/libftgl.0.dylib << Shlibs: << %p/lib/libftgl.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.1.2-1) << DocFiles: README.txt COPYING.txt license.txt HISTORY.txt << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-bin Description: FTGL demo program Depends: %N-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs ( >=2.3.7-7 ) Files: << bin/FTGLDemo << DocFiles: README.txt COPYING.txt license.txt HISTORY.txt << ### DescDetail: << FTGL is a free, open source library to enable developers to use arbitrary fonts in their OpenGL ( applications. Unlike other OpenGL font libraries FTGL uses standard font file formats so doesn't need a preprocessing step to convert the high quality font data into a lesser quality, proprietary format. FTGL uses the Freetype ( font library to open and 'decode' the fonts. It then takes that output and stores it in a format most efficient for OpenGL rendering. Rendering modes supported are: * Bit maps * Anti aliased pix maps * Texture maps * Outlines * Polygon meshes * Extruded polygon meshes FTGL is designed to be used in commercial quality software. It has been written with performance, robustness and simplicity in mind. <<