Package: libsablot Version: 1.0.3 Revision: 1000 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDepends: expat1, libiconv-dev, fink (>= 0.20.1-1), intltool40 # original source #Source: Source: mirror:sourceforge:sablotron/sablotron-%v/Sablot-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 72654c4b832e7562f8240ea675577f5e ## Would have preferred to use a tar.bz2 or a tbz source _ both seem available on the net< ## but they seem to be "re-packaged" _ not coming directlyfrom the primary source ... PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's/hardcode_direct=yes/hardcode_direct=no/g' configure GCC: 4.0 # What are all those strange flags ? "NoSetCC: true" needed before SetCC ? And setting CC to g++ seems very ad-hoc ... # Plus the CPPFlags that look like LDFlags ... # trying to get rid of all those baroque flags; if needed, we'll try to put something more logical... ###NoSetCC: true ###SetCC: g++ ###SetCPPFlags: -undefined error ###SetLDFlags: -liconv -lexpat -no-undefined ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --build=%m-apple-darwin`uname -r|cut -f1 -d.` --host=%m-apple-darwin`uname -r|cut -f1 -d.` InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d # trying some place where things are more likely to be found .. mkdir -p %I/share/doc/%N mv %I/share/doc/html %I/share/doc/%N << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Files: lib/libsablot.0*dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/libsablot.0.dylib 101.0.0 %n (>= 1.0.3-0) Depends: expat1-shlibs, libiconv DocFiles: README README_JS RELEASE Description: Shared libs for Sablotron XML Processor << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-dev Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: True Files: << include/sabcfg.h include/sabdbg.h include/sablot.h include/sdom.h include/shandler.h include/sxpath.h lib/libsablot.a lib/libsablot.dylib lib/ << DocFiles: README README_JS RELEASE Description: Development headers and libraries << DocFiles: README README_JS RELEASE Description: XML processor (XPATH, XSLT, DOM2) Library DescDetail: << Sablotron is an XML processor implementing XPath 1.0, XSLT 1.0 and DOM Level2. It also includes some other features such as XSLT debugger, SXP (access to external documents via callbacks) or EXSLT support. Sablotron is a single shared library written in C++ (sablot.dll or It provides a native C API; APIs for Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and other languages are available through wrappers (not part of the Sablotron project). See for more information on Sablotron wrappers. Sablotron can also be used from the command line via a simple interface called sabcmd. Sablotron also include an XPath Processor (SXP) working with virtual DOM objects accessed via user-defined (DOM-like) callback functions. The C API to SXP is described in a separate SXP Reference guide. << DescUsage: << PHP - << ### pls let's get an understandable DescPort _ ### and that has some relation with what is in the info file ... !! DescPort: << configure: warning: Your system doesn't support standard widechar library (wchar.h), result of the instruction may be undefined ######## Don't see anything of this sort, nor anything "cursew" related, ######## thoughb libncursesw5 is installed ... [1] - Use package libtool ltconfig for this package is in a subfolder: tools, you can use this version by passing -no-undefined to LDFLAGS. You may also have to set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH: -I/sw/include, so the package can find the includes to the libraries if they are not in a system directory. [2] - Use Finks updated libtool Libtool needs to be hacked to enable two_level_namespace to build with weak linking. Set UpdateLibtool: True before running configure Add: no_undefined_flag='-undefined error' to ltconfig in the darwin case block under $allow_undefined_flag='-undefined suppress'. After running configure but before make, search and replace the following In libtool: '\$allow_undefined_flag -o' and replace with -undefined error -o. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: ## can't get at the above address, or any new primary source Maintainer: Dustin Sias