Package: libutf8cpp Version: 2.3.1 Revision: 1 Description: UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way DescUsage: << The headers are installed in to a separate directory, %p/include/utf8cpp, in order to avoid collisions. To use the headers them, the directory must be explicitly included when compiling, e.g.: g++ -I%p/include/utf8cpp << License: BSD HomePage: Maintainer: Abdulla Kamar Source: mirror:sourceforge:project/utfcpp/utf8cpp_2x/Release%%202.3.1/ Source-MD5: 4ce7db7500641f5542308b6b7c066eb6 SourceDirectory: . BuildDependsOnly: true CompileScript: << << InstallScript: << find . -type f | xargs chmod 644 mkdir -p %i/include/utf8cpp cp -r source/* %i/include/utf8cpp << DocFiles: doc/ReleaseNotes doc/utf8cpp.html