Package: mtasc Version: 1.12 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 5ceca156f865ed3b3c07f6c631f6842f Maintainer: Pierre-Henri Lavigne License:GPL Description: Action Script 2 compiler DescDetail: << MTASC is the first ActionScript 2 Open Source free compiler. It can compile large number of .as class files in a very short time and generate directly the corresponding SWF bytecode without relying on Macromedia Flash or other tools << BuildDepends: ocaml (>= 3.11.1), ocaml-lib, ocaml-findlib DocFiles: CHANGES.txt Future.txt Readme.txt PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 72808beb7cab9e9de91e8a3d7953d88a CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ocaml << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/lib mkdir -p %i/lib/ocaml mkdir -p %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc cp ./bin/* %i/bin cp -rf ./ocaml/mtasc/std %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc cp -rf ./ocaml/*.cmi %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc cp -rf ./ocaml/*.cmx %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc rm -rf %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc/std/CVS rm -rf %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc/std/System/CVS rm -rf %i/lib/ocaml/mtasc/std/TextField/CVS << DescPort: << patch from 'diff -u -r 1.45 -r 1.46 ocaml/mtasc/' of the CVS repository, Checkin is titled "3.11 fix" <<