Info2: << Package: pyusb-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 1.0.0a2 Revision: 1 Homepage: Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald Type: python (2.7) Depends: python%type_pkg[python], libusb1-shlibs, python27 (>= 1:2.7.2-5) BuildDepends: setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python], libusb1 Source: SourceRename: pyusb-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: walac-pyusb-8166ed6 Source-MD5: 0a4aa25d81d10a0d9f33e659df97318b CompileScript: python%type_raw[python] build InstallScript: python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d DocFiles: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LICENSE README.rst ReleaseNotes.rst License: BSD Description: Python access to libusb DescDetail: << PyUSB aims to provide easy USB access to the Python language. Support for libusb 0.1, libusb 1.0 and OpenUSB. Easy API to communicate with devices. Support for custom library backends. Isochronous transfer type support. 100% written in Python by ctypes. Although the main API is not compatible with the 0.x version, it is being implemented a compatibility layer to allow old applications to get advantage of the new features of the 1.0 version. You can find a draft of the programming tutorial about PyUSB 1.0 here. << DescPackaging: << Support for finding dylibs in %p/lib by ctypes of Python[27,31,32] was added by danielj on 20111230. I don't know how I can specify the dependencies for py31 (>=3.1.4-3) and py32(>=3.2.2-2) -> py27 only for now. << <<