Info2: << Package: libxml2-rb%type_pkg[ruby] Version: 0.5.4 Revision: 2 Description: Ruby bindings for libxml2 Type: ruby (1.8) License: BSD Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: << libxml2-shlibs, ruby%type_pkg[ruby] << BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12), libiconv-dev, rake-rb%type_pkg[ruby], readline5 (>= 5.0-1004), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), libxml2, ruby%type_pkg[ruby]-dev << Source: Source-MD5: e93b79bfafefc83892bf4dcfaa8df7b6 PatchFile: %{Ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: c2fa106412b172a7aa89e3f5e45f3b28 CompileScript: << %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] setup.rb config --prefix="%p" %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] setup.rb setup << InstallScript: %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] setup.rb install --prefix="%d" DocFiles: CHANGES LICENSE NOTES README TODO VERSION Homepage: DescDetail: << The Libxml-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME Libxml2 XML toolkit. << <<