Info2: << Package: login-generator-rb%type_pkg[ruby] Version: 1.2.2 Revision: 2 Type: ruby (1.8) Description: User and Login Management for Rails License: LGPL Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: << rails-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 1.1-1), libgems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby] << BuildDepends: << rails-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 1.1-1), rubygems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby]-dev << Source: Source-MD5: fef293823c095f450ed54b7ece2c839f NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: echo "" InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby] %p/bin/gem install --local --install-dir %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby] --rdoc login_generator-%v.gem rm -rf %i/var/lib/gems/%type_raw[ruby]/cache << DescDetail: << This is the popular generator for the rails framework which will outfit your application with a complete user management. It offers login, signup pages as well as great security and technology to protect certain areas of the application. << Homepage: <<