Package: xml-commons-external Version: 1.3.04 Revision: 1 Type: java(1.4) Maintainer: Trevor Harmon Source: mirror:apache:xml/commons/%n-%v-bin.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v Source-MD5: 5c4e989c1923cbc33bd5031e91567d26 Depends: system-java (>= 1.4) CompileScript: # Binary package InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R docs/* %i/share/doc/%n/ << JarFiles: xml-apis.jar xml-apis-ext.jar DocFiles: KEYS LICENSE LICENSE.dom-documentation.txt LICENSE.dom-software.txt LICENSE.sac.html LICENSE.sax.txt NOTICE README.dom.txt README.sax.txt manifest.commons Description: Java interfaces for DOM, SAX, JAXP, etc DescDetail: << Common packaging for the various standard Java code relating to XML - things like the DOM, SAX, and JAXP interfaces. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: