Info2: << Package: celery-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 1.0.0 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr License: BSD Type: python (2.6 2.7) Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: 0e711cb074eff8ef205ef1274b30e8ad Suggests: rabbitmq-server, django-py%type_pkg[python] Depends: python%type_pkg[python]-shlibs, amqplib-py%type_pkg[python], simplejson-py%type_pkg[python] BuildDepends: python%type_pkg[python], setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] Description: AMQP task/queue manager DescDetail: << Celery is a task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker servers. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). Celery is already used in production to process millions of tasks a day. Celery was originally created for use with Django, but is now usable from any Python project. It can also operate with other languages via webhooks. The recommended message broker is RabbitMQ, but support for Redis and databases is also available. << DocFiles: AUTHORS Changelog LICENSE README THANKS TODO docs CompileScript: python%type_raw[python] build InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d for file in celerybeat celeryd celeryinit; do mv %i/bin/$file %i/bin/${file}-py%type_pkg[python] done << PostInstScript: << # Add --verbose to update-alternatives for debugging update-alternatives --verbose --install %p/bin/celeryd celery-py %p/bin/celeryd-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python] --slave %p/bin/celerybeat celerybeat %p/bin/celerybeat-py%type_pkg[python] --slave %p/bin/celeryinit celeryinit %p/bin/celeryinit-py%type_pkg[python] << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --verbose --remove celery-py %p/bin/celeryd-py%type_pkg[python] fi << # Info2 <<