Package: epic5 Version: 1.1.4 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 353a48e9d4e9e10b5c86789b01338e58 BuildDepends: libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), system-openssl-dev, system-perl Depends: libncurses5-shlibs DocFiles: BUG_FORM COPYRIGHT INSTALL KNOWNBUGS README UPDATES VOTES doc/DCC_REVERSE doc/EPIC_ABOUT doc/EPIC_THANKS doc/EPIC_VERSIONS doc/IPV6 doc/IRCII_VERSIONS doc/README.SSL doc/SILLINESS doc/TS4 doc/color.txt doc/colors doc/dccresum.txt doc/local_vars doc/missing doc/new-load doc/nicknames doc/outputhelp SetCFLAGS: -idirafter %p/include PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's/iconv_open/libiconv_open/g' configure perl -pi -e 's/\s(iconv_(open|close))/ lib\1/g ; s/=\siconv\s/= libiconv /' source/ircaux.c source/functions.c << ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --libexecdir=%i/lib --without-perl # Default InstallScript Description: Enhanced Programmable ircII Client DescDetail: << The ircII/EPIC program is a unix-based character oriented user agent ('client') to Internet Relay Chat. It is a fully functional ircII client with many useful extensions. This version works with all modern irc server classes as of early 1999. << DescPort: << Patch to use various libiconv*() rather than iconv*() functions which aren't in Fink's libiconv. The-idirafter flag in CFLAGS is to work around a conflict between the local term.h and the ncurses term.h. Ignores the directory setting from --with-ssl=[PATH], so have it use system-openssl until someone gets motivated to change the behavior. Uses the system's Tcl, and Ruby. Currently does not build Perl bindings because it wants to build multi-arch, and failed when I (AKH) tried to force it to build single-arch. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: None