Package: iperf Version: 1.7.0 Revision: 1012 Source: Source-MD5: 3e4aea85822bcf10ed14040f4b26bd26 SourceDirectory: %n-%v PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: b7478c435671419e7e27ce9bd8b90187 UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: make InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -m 755 iperf %i/bin/ << GCC: 4.0 DocFiles: doc/dast.gif doc/index.html doc/lib.html doc/jperf.gif doc/ui_license.html Description: Measure TCP and UDP throughput DescDetail: << Iperf is a tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss. While tools to measure network performance, such as ttcp, exist, most are very old and have confusing options. Iperf was developed as a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. << DescPackaging: << The jperf GUI client for iperf is not installed. This is intentional -- it's old and crufty, so I opted not to install it. jperf is being split off of Iperf in future versions and will be it's own package. << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Jon Dugan