Info4: << Package: libcares2%type_pkg[-64bit] Version: 1.10.0 Revision: 1 Type: -64bit (boolean) Architecture: ( %type_raw[-64bit] = -64bit ) powerpc, ( %type_raw[-64bit] = -64bit ) i386 Description: Asynch DNS resolver library DescDetail: << c-ares is a C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously. c-ares is a fork of the original library named 'ares', written by Greg Hudson at MIT. In all practical means, it is the successor of ares. << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: 1196067641411a75d3cbebe074fd36d8 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetCFLAGS: -Os UseMaxBuildJobs: true Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), ( %type_raw[-64bit] = -64bit ) 64bit-cpu BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.26.2) BuildDependsOnly: true Conflicts: libcares2, libcares2-64bit Replaces: libcares2, libcares2-64bit ConfigureParams: --disable-static --enable-shared --disable-dependency-tracking --libdir='${prefix}/%lib' --enable-symbol-hiding CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev if [ "%type_raw[-64bit]" == "-64bit" ]; then export CC="gcc -m64" fi %{default_script} << InstallScript: << /usr/bin/head -n 16 ares.h > LICENSE make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGES NEWS README README.cares RELEASE-NOTES LICENSE License: BSD SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: ( %type_raw[-64bit] = -64bit ) 64bit-cpu Files: %lib/libcares.2.*dylib Shlibs: %p/%lib/libcares.2.dylib 4.0.0 %n (>= 1.10.0-1) %type_num[-64bit] DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGES NEWS README README.cares RELEASE-NOTES LICENSE << <<