Package: maildrop Version: 2.0.2 Revision: 1001 GCC: 4.0 Maintainer: None License: GPL Homepage: BuildDepends: gdbm3, pcre Depends: gdbm3-shlibs, pcre-shlibs Source: mirror:sourceforge:courier/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 69c7cb0c93669c0831eb3ee304da8eac UpdateConfigGuess: true ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --with-etcdir=%p/etc/%n --sysconfdir=%p/etc/%n InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i bindir=%i/bin mandir=%i/share/man sysconfdir=%i/etc/%n << DocFiles: README README.html README.postfix INSTALL UPGRADE* AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING* NEWS maildroptips.txt Description: Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities DescDetail: << maildrop is a replacement for your local mail delivery agent. maildrop reads a mail message from standard input, then delivers the message to your mailbox. maildrop knows how to deliver mail to mbox-style mailboxes, and maildirs. maildrop will optionally read instructions from a file, which describes how to filter incoming mail. Instructions can be provided having mail delivered to alternate mailboxes, or forwarded somewhere else. Unlike procmail, maildrop uses a structured filtering language. << DescPackaging: Formerly maintained by Jason R. Mastaler