Package: netperf Version: 2.4.5 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: e5b006b9d05048cd0e8087f3d80d7566 #Source-SHA1: 67cdb984fd60244e454ac48ef02628e2d1f023d0 Maintainer: Fabien Thomas HomePage: License: GPL Description: Network performance benchmarking package BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.28-1) << PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: 89e482bda0686c2a507bff70d6451152 InfoDocs: DescDetail: << Netperf is a serious networking performance evaluation tool being distributed under GPL by HP's Information Networks Division. Testing is done using a pair of programs: `netserver' (the server) and `netperf' (the measurement tool). Netperf allows control over a large number of test `variables'. Some of these are: * specification of desired confidence levels for the tests Netperf will warn the user if these levels were not achieved. * filling send buffers with specified data (to beat compression schemes) * specification of send/recieve buffer alignments and data offsets * requesting cpu utilization and service demand calculations * specification of sizes of data to send Netperf can be used for measuring stream performance as well as round-trip performance. <<