Package: opennap Version: 0.44 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 1dcce1826283888111fb9fbe0684f6f2 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 3d2939965c0f09a7f7331827894b0e88 Maintainer: Jeffrey Ellis Description: Open Source Napster Server for UNIX License: GPL DescDetail: << When doing the Install, OpenNap seems to be missing a directory called opennap which contains user config files for the app. This should be installed into /sw/share but is not during the installation process. There may be a way in the program to set this up, butyou can simply created it manually. All the files are derivative of some files which come with the uncompiled version in the root directory. One must rewrite those files according to the OpenNap manual -- apparently not with the instructions in the files themselves, which is outdated. Then remove "sample." from the file name and place the files in the /sw/share/opennap directory. Note: for OpenNap to work, at least the config and user files must be completed properly, with the user file containing at least one Elite user. Please see the manual.html included with the uncompiled package for full instructions. << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING FAQ INSTALL NEWS README TODO manual.html napster.txt notes.txt sample.block sample.channels sample.filter sample.motd sample.servers sample.users Homepage: