Package: slrnconf Version: 0.8.4 Revision: 15 Description: GUI utility for editing slrn configurations Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks Depends: rec-descent-pm, gtk2-pm5100, perl5100-core Suggests: slrn Source: Source-MD5: 2c2645b88c6207570be4fc959706b741 PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's,/usr/bin/perl -w,/usr/bin/env perl5.10.0\nuse warnings;,' CompileScript: make PREFIX=%p InstallScript: << make PREFIX=%i install perl -pi -e 's,%d,,' %i/bin/slrnconf << DocFiles: ABOUT COPYING README DescPackaging: << Makefile doesn't understand separate DESTDIR and rebuilds during install (inserting %i into installed files). Patch out those path parts because it's easier than overhauling the build system. <<