Package: synergy Version: 1.3.1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Steve Huff # Previous maintainer: Chris Dolan Source: mirror:sourceforge:synergy2/synergy-%v.tar.gz GCC: 4.0 Architecture: powerpc, i386 Source-MD5: a6e09d6b71cb217f23069980060abf27 PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's,-Werror,,g' configure << ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info Depends: x11 BuildDepends: x11-dev License: GPL Homepage: Description: Share keyboard, mouse between machines # Copied from the README: DescDetail: << Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display. << DescUsage: << After installing, see and start at Step 3. In short: copy %p/share/doc/synergy/synergy.conf to ~/.synergy and edit. Then, run "synergys -d ERROR -c ~/.synergy". On other machines, run "synergyc ". << DescPort: << It would be great to have a daemonic description to run the server and/or client. I'll happily accept help on that front. Perhaps a standard %p/etc/synergy.conf location would be appropriate in that case? << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README doc/*.html doc/*.css examples/synergy.conf