Package: udpcast Version: 20090920 Revision: 2 BuildDepends: coreutils BuildDependsOnly: false Source: Source-MD5: b6c73097d1ce26d0067ae6904683cc19 SetCFLAGS: -Os ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man PatchScript: perl -pi -e "s,-DUSE_ASSEMBLER,,g" CompileScript: << ./configure %c %p/lib/coreutils/bin/echo -e "\n#include \n#ifndef HAVE_STRNDUP\nstatic void\*\nstrndup \(const char \*src\, size_t n\)\n\{\n size_t i;\n char \*dst;\n\n if \(src == NULL\)\n return NULL;\n\n dst = \(char*\) malloc \(n + 1\);\n if \(dst != NULL\) \{\n for \(i = 0; i \< n \&\& src\[i\]; i++\)\n dst\[i\] = src\[i\];\n dst\[i\] = '\\\0';\n \}\n\n return dst;\n\}\n#define HAVE_STRNDUP\n#endif" |sed 's,\\,,g' >> config.h make << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING License: GPL # One file is BSD-licensed in fact, but GPL/BSD isn't accepted. Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink Description: Multicast file transfer utility DescDetail: << UDPcast is a file transfer tool that can send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN. This can for instance be used to install entire classrooms of PC's at once. The advantage of UDPcast over using other methods (nfs, ftp, whatever) is that UDPcast uses Ethernet's multicast abilities: it won't take longer to install 15 machines than it would to install just 2. << DescUsage: << Start udp-receiver with --interface en0 or so. It won't work without a specified interface, since it picks lo0 by default. Bad choice. ;) <<