Package: wmmail Version: 0.64 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: fc596db9f2f6b52eec3a303178106c8e BuildDepends: libproplist Depends: libproplist-shlibs Description: "Mail-checker" modeled after asmail License: GPL ConfigureParams: --with-appspath=%p/lib/GNUstep/Apps --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib InstallScript: << make install-strip DESTDIR=%d (mkdir %i/bin ; cd %i/bin ; ln -s ../lib/GNUstep/Apps/ wmmail) << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README doc/Help.txt DescDetail: << is a "mail-checker" like xbiff. It is modeled after asmail, but has been adapted to work with Window Maker instead of AfterStep. Edit %p/lib/GNUstep/Apps/ after installation to suit your needs. Read the file Help.txt in %p/share/doc/wmmail for a list of available options. << DescPort: << Ignored the man page doc/ as it is out of date, homepage can't be found anymore... << Maintainer: Mathias Meyer